Tag: computing education
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Supporting learners with programming tasks through AI-generated Parson’s Problems
Parson’s Problems can be used to scaffold students who struggle while writing code from scratch
Our T Level resources to support vocational education in England
New classroom resources for the T Level in Digital Production, Design and Development
Grounded cognition: physical activities and learning computing
Grounded cognition offers a new perspective on how children learn
Integrating computational thinking into primary teaching
“Computational thinking is really about thinking, and sometimes about computing.”
Teaching about AI explainability
Learning about AI explainability is key for young people to develop digital literacy
Culturally relevant Computing: Experiences of primary learners
Culturally relevant lessons make learners feel represented in Computing
Engaging primary Computing teachers in culturally relevant pedagogy through professional development
Ten areas of opportunity to make Computing more relevant for all learners
Spotlight on teaching programming with and without AI in our 2024 seminar series
Learn new findings about how to best teach programming at our free seminars
Evolving our online courses to help more people be computing educators
Our courses are for everyone who supports young people, from teachers to librarians to parents
Support for new computing teachers: A tool to find Scratch programming errors
Helping new teachers debug and explain errors in students' code
AI literacy for teachers and students all over the world
We are building a global network of educational organisation to promote AI literacy
Coding futures: Celebrating our educational partnership in Telangana
A special project in a government school and a degree college in India