All blog posts-
Running a workshop with teachers to create culturally relevant Computing lessons
Professional development and collaborative planning
Introducing data science concepts and skills to primary school learners
Data literacy is the ability to ask questions, collect, analyse, and communicate about data
How can computing education promote an equitable digital future? Ideas from research
We need to do more, and sooner
Combining computing and maths to teach primary learners about variables
A practical example of cross-curricular teaching
Using relevant contexts to engage girls in the Computing classroom: Study results
Teaching Computing with relevant scenarios may engage more diverse learners
Non-formal learning activities: What do we know and how do we apply it to computing?
Insights from a literature review and a research project
Girls’ sense of belonging in the Computing classroom: Study results
Role models and support from family contribute to girls' sense of belonging
Take part in our research study to develop culturally relevant Computing resources for primary schools
Get involved in our new research study
Repair cafés in computing education | Hello World #19
Getting hands-on with broken hardware may improve learners' understanding
A peer instruction approach for engaging girls in the Computing classroom: Study results
Research about interactive, cooperative activities for learners aged 12-13
Using e-textiles to deliver equitable computing lessons and broaden participation
How to build a computing clubhouse for everyone
A pair programming approach for engaging girls in the Computing classroom: Study results
Research about collaborative learning for 8- to 11-year-olds