These are our recent external and internal research publications. If you have any difficulties getting hold of them, please contact Where the published version is not open access, we have provided the author copy.
Constructing feedback for computer science MCQ wrong answers using semantic profiling
Waite, J., Kolaiti, E., Thomas, M. and Maton, K. (2023). Constructing feedback for computer science MCQ wrong answers using semantic profiling. In Proceedings of the 23rd Koli Calling International Conference on Computing Education Research.
Teachers’ Motivation for Teaching AI in K-12 settings
Addo, S. A., & Sentance, S. (2023, December). Teachers’ Motivation for Teaching AI in K-12 settings. In Proceedings of the 2023 Conference on Human Centred Artificial Intelligence: Education and Practice (pp. 43-43).
Embedding culturally relevant pedagogy in practice: Considerations for training and resource development
Hall, B., Grantham, S., & Whyte, R. (2024). Embedding culturally relevant pedagogy in practice: Considerations for training and resource development. In Proceedings of the 8th Conference on Computing Education Practice (pp. 29-32).
Supporting K-12 CS Education in Odisha through Code Club Partnerships
Joseph, D., Coventry, F., & Whyte, R. (2023). Supporting K-12 CS Education in Odisha through Code Club Partnerships. In Proceedings of the ACM Conference on Global Computing Education Vol 2 (pp. 193-193).
Culturally relevant Areas of Opportunity for K-12 computing lessons
We describe a set of ten reflective prompts for computing educators to use for reviewing and adapting the cultural responsiveness of K-12 computing teaching activities. We describe each of the ten areas of opportunity, how educators might use them in practice, and how we are using them in the context of a wider study.
Waite, J., Das, A., Hwang, A., & Sentance, S. (2023, October). Culturally relevant Areas of Opportunity for K-12 computing lessons. In 2023 IEEE Frontiers in Education Conference (FIE) (pp. 1-5). IEEE.
Towards a framework for learning content analysis in K-12 AI/ML education
This paper is a work-in-progress innovative practice study in which we categorised 307 AI/ML teaching resources across our proposed SEAME framework: (i) Social & Ethical; (ii) Application; (iii) Model, and; (iv) Engine. We propose that the SEAME framework provides an innovative starting point for teachers and researchers to review resources and consider what a progression of AI-related concepts and skills might look like that is comprehensive and simple to use.
Waite, J., Tshukudu, E., Cucuiat, V., Whyte, R., & Sentance, S. (2023, October). Towards a Framework for Learning Content Analysis in K-12 AI/ML Education. In 2023 IEEE Frontiers in Education Conference (FIE) (pp. 1-5). IEEE.
Broadening Participation in Computing: Experiences of the Hour of Code in an African Country
CSEdBotswana, aimed at promoting computer science education in underrepresented regions, conducted an “Hour of Code” event involving 16 schools, 700 students, and 20 teachers. The study assesses its impact, finding positive effects on students’ perceptions of programming but no significant change in their interest. Teachers highlight its potential but note the need for more resources and expertise. This research contributes to efforts to expand computer science education in developing countries.
Tshukudu, E., Kallia, M., Childs, K., & Darragh, W. (2023). Broadening Participation in Computing: Experiences of the Hour of Code in an African Country. In Proceedings of the 18th WiPSCE Conference on Primary and Secondary Computing Education Research (WiPSCE ’23).
Leonard, H., Childs, K., Waite, J. & Sentance, S. (2023). Engaging primary (K-5) computing teachers in culturally relevant pedagogy through Professional Development. In Proceedings of the 2023 Conference on United Kingdom & Ireland Computing Education Research.
Investigating the Attitudes and Emotions of K-12 Students Towards Debugging
Gale, L. & Sentance, S. (2023). Investigating the Attitudes and Emotions of K-12 Students Towards Debugging. In Proceedings of the 2023 Conference on United Kingdom & Ireland Computing Education Research.
Hwang, Y, Das, A., Waite, J., & Sentance, S. (2023). Using a sociological lens to investigate computing teachers’ culturally responsive classroom practices. In Proceedings of the 2023 ACM Conference on International Computing Education Research.
The primary objective of the systematic literature review presented in this paper was to examine research with empirical evidence reporting learning outcomes for teaching and learning AI in K-12 between 2019 and 2022. This paper outlines the focus on learners’ context, the extent of empirical support for the pedagogical approaches, and the theoretical coverage of AI topics included in the studies.
Rizvi, S., Waite, J., & Sentance, S. (2023). Artificial Intelligence teaching and learning in K-12 from 2019 to 2022: A systematic literature review. Computers and Education: Artificial Intelligence, 100145.
The proceedings collection of chapters from the speakers at our research seminars from September 2021 to March 2022. This series focused on artificial intelligence, machine learning and data science.
AI, data science, and young people. Understanding computing education (Vol 3). Proceedings of the Raspberry Pi Foundation Research Seminars. Raspberry Pi Foundation, December 2022.
Use of storytelling to increase engagement and motivation in computing in lower primary schools
This study focused on pupils aged 5-7 and the use of a storytelling approach to teach programming in schools in England. Despite limited evidence of change in pupil attitudes when comparing intervention and control group survey data, qualitative evidence suggests the intervention was feasible for teachers and engaging for pupils.
Rizvi, S., Sentance, S., Childs, K., Leonard, H., Quinlan, O., & Waite, J. (2022, October). Use of storytelling to increase engagement and motivation in computing in lower primary schools. In Proceedings of the 17th Workshop in Primary and Secondary Computing Education (pp. 1-2).
Author copy and poster
Perspectives on AI and data science education
This chapter summarises the key points of our 2021-2022 online seminar series on teaching AI and data science at school. It gives an overview of why it is essential to teach AI to children, how and when it should be taught, and what research is necessary to deliver targeted education in this area.
Sentance, S. & Waite, J. (2022). Perspectives on AI and data science education. In AI, data science, and young people. Understanding computing education (Vol 3). Proceedings of the Raspberry Pi Foundation Research Seminars.
Computing in school in the UK & Ireland: a comparative study
This paper describes computing education in England, Scotland, Wales, Northern Ireland and the Republic of Ireland and reports on the results of a survey conducted with computing teachers. The results demonstrate distinct differences in the experiences of the computing teachers surveyed that align with the policy and provision for computing education in the UK and Ireland.
Sentance, S., Kirby, D., Quille, K., Cole, E., Crick, T., & Looker, N. (2022, September). Computing in School in the UK & Ireland: A Comparative Study. In Proceedings of the 2022 Conference on United Kingdom & Ireland Computing Education Research (pp. 1-7).
This paper assesses the state of computing education in four African countries using the recently developed CAPE Framework (capacity for, access to, participation in, experience of computer science education). This framework is useful for demonstrating stages and dependencies, and for understanding relative equity, taking into consideration the disparities between sub-populations.
Tshukudu, E., Sentance, S., Adelakun-Adeyemo, O., Nyaringita, B., Quille, K., Zhong, Z. (2022). Investigating K-12 computing education in four African countries (Botswana, Kenya, Nigeria and Uganda). In ACM Transactions on Computing Education.
This study set out to investigate non-formal learning initiatives by means of a systematic literature review.The two research questions addressed by the study are: (1) What has been the focus of recent computing education research about K-12 initiatives for young people and (2) What is the impact of non-formal K-12 computing initiatives?
Gardner, T., Leonard, H. C., Waite, J., & Sentance, S. (2022). What do we know about computing education for K-12 in non-formal settings? A systematic literature review of recent research. In Proceedings of the 2022 ACM Conference on International Computing Education Research, 264–281.
Presentation slides and video presentation
Teachers’ motivations to learn about ML and AI
This paper describes the development and trial of a survey based on self-determination theory to investigate the motivations of K-12 teachers to learn ML and AI. The participants were most motivated by personal enjoyment (an intrinsic motivator) and student benefits rather than extrinsic factors, such as external pressure.
Tshukudu, E., Waite, J., Rizvi, S., & Sentance, S. (2022, July). Teachers’ Motivations to Learn about ML and AI. In Proceedings of the 27th ACM Conference on on Innovation and Technology in Computer Science Education Vol. 2 (p. 609).
Culturally relevant and responsive computing: A guide for curriculum design and teaching
This practical guide for teachers includes an overview of culturally relevant pedagogy and offers practical tips, as well as resources for the computing classroom.
Leonard, H., Kirby, D., Sentance, S., Chinaka, L., Deutsch, M., Dimitriadi, Y., and Goode, J.. (2021). Culturally relevant and responsive computing: A guide for curriculum design and teaching. Raspberry Pi Foundation. Available at:
An online platform for teaching upper secondary school computer science
This paper describes the Isaac Computer Science platform. The platform includes content and questions to support the teaching of A level computer science (a two-year upper secondary school qualification). The paper reviews design decisions made in developing this resource and suggests a generic platform pedagogy matrix.
Waite, J., Franceschini, A., Sentance, S., Sharkey, J., & Patterson, M. (2021). Proceedings of UKICER 2021, 3.
Paper, presentation slides, and video presentation
Female pupils’ attitudes to computing in early adolescence
In this paper, we measured attitudes towards computing amongst female students aged 10–14 and found that they reported less positive attitudes compared with their male peers. Female students in mixed-sex schools reported lower feelings of belonging compared to those in single-sex schools.
Leonard, H.C., Quinlan, O., & Sentance, S. (2021). Proceedings of UKICER 2021, 5.
Paper, presentation slides, and video presentation
Teachers’ perspectives on talk in the programming classroom: language as a mediator
This paper investigates the ways in which programming teachers use classroom talk to support learning, and proposes a model to frame our understanding of this element of programming lessons.
Sentance, S., & Waite, J. (2021). Proceedings of the 17th ACM Conference on International Computing Education Research, 266–280.
Paper, presentation slides, and video presentation
Computing skills, beliefs and identities in young people from underserved communities
This paper presents data from interviews with thirteen young people at risk of educational disadvantage concerning their feelings towards computing. The young people were confident in their digital skills, but did not tend to feel a sense of belonging in computing as a subject or a career.
Kunkeler, T. & Leonard, H.C. (2021). 2021 Conference on Research in Equity and Sustained Participation in Engineering, Computing, and Technology (RESPECT), 1–5.
Chronicling the evidence for broadening participation
A large-scale review of research testing the impact of teaching practice interventions on women’s outcomes and engagement in undergraduate computing courses.
Morrison, B., Quinn, B., Bradley, S., Buffardi, K., Harrigton, B., Hu, H., Kallia, M., McNeill, F., Ola, O., Parker, M., Rosato, J., & Waite, J. (2021). Proceedings of the 26th ACM Conference on Innovation and Technology in Computer Science Education V. 2 (ITiCSE ’21), 601–602.
Why the ‘digital divide’ does not stop at access
In this paper, the complexities of providing equitable access to computing education are explored in several interviews with students from underserved communities in the UK. Combined with a review of theoretical frameworks and past research, the paper underlines the importance of supporting digital skills and making computing more relevant.
Leonard, H. C. and Kunkeler, T. (2021). Why the ‘digital divide’ does not stop at access. In Understanding Computing Education (Vol 2): Equity, Diversity and Inclusion. Proceedings of the Raspberry Pi Foundation Research Seminars. Available at:
This paper describes the development of a set of guidelines that can facilitate culturally responsive computing teaching in England. Notably, it also focuses on the background and benefits of introducing culturally adapted teaching in the computing classroom, and briefly explains the co-constructed guidelines.
Leonard, H. C., Kirby, D., Sentance, S., Chinaka, L., Deutsch, M., Dimitriadi, Y. and Goode, J. (2021). Localising culturally responsive computing teaching to an English context: developing teacher guidelines. In Understanding Computing Education (Vol 2): Equity, Diversity and Inclusion. Proceedings of the Raspberry Pi Foundation Research Seminars. Available at:
Understanding computing education: Volume 1. Seminar proceedings
This is a collection of chapters from the speakers of our research seminars, which took place from May to December 2020.
Raspberry Pi Foundation, April 2021. Available at:
Factors that impact gender balance in computing
This paper explores the barriers female students face in the computing classroom which impact their involvement in computing. Several ways of involving students more actively in the classroom are discussed in detail, such as pair programming and peer instruction.
Childs, K. (2021). Factors that impact gender balance in computing. In Understanding computing education (Vol 1). Proceedings of the Raspberry Pi Foundation Research Seminar series. Available at:
Teaching programming with PRIMM: the importance of classroom talk
This paper introduces the PRIMM approach (Predict – Run – Investigate – Modify – Make) for teaching programming, and reports on a qualitative study involving primary and secondary school teachers. First findings stress the benefits of PRIMM on classroom communication and learning, and explore the impact of using programming vocabulary.
Sentance, S. (2021). Teaching programming with PRIMM: the importance of classroom talk. In Understanding computing education (Vol 1). Proceedings of the Raspberry Pi Foundation Research Seminar series. Available at:
Is it a wave? Linking the abstract to the everyday and back again
Semantic wave profiling is a framework that can support teachers and resource creators in assessing how knowledge is constructed. This paper explains the concepts of semantic waves and provides several examples of how to utilise them in the classroom.
Waite, J. (2021). Is it a wave? Linking the abstract to the everyday and back again. In Understanding computing education (Vol 1). Proceedings of the Raspberry Pi Foundation Research Seminar series. Available at:
This is a collection of chapters from the speakers of our research seminars, which took place from January to July 2021. This series focused on equity, diversity, and inclusion in computing education.
Raspberry Pi Foundation, December 2021. Available at:
Hermeneutic phenomenology in computing education research
Hermeneutic phenomenology is an approach to qualitative research focusing on the lived experiences of participants. This workshop addressed how this approach could be used in computing education.
Sentance, S. & Waite, J. (2021). Presented at UKICER, September 2021.
Workshop paper and presentation slides
The impact of sustained engagement after Picademy
This report summarises the findings from three annual surveys of the Certified Educator community in 2017, 2018, and 2019.
Dickins, J. (2021). Raspberry Pi Foundation internal report. Available at:
Teaching programming in school: A review of approaches and strategies
This review focuses on how we teach programming. Research relating to a range of pedagogical strategies is covered as well as the different contexts in which programming teaching might take place and how we can support learners.
Waite, J, & Sentance, S. (2021). Raspberry Pi Foundation research report. Available at:
The impact of the coronavirus pandemic on the computing classroom
This short paper reports on some of the ways that teachers have changed the way they teach programming through the coronavirus pandemic.
Sentance, S., (2021). The Raspberry Pi Foundation. Available at:
Culturally relevant and responsive pedagogy in computing: A quick scoping review
This paper reviews recent literature on the implementation of culturally relevant and responsive computing in the classroom. It provides a theoretical background, highlights key curriculum design features, and identifies factors that positively and negatively affect the success of the teaching approaches for computing.
Leonard, H. C., & Sentance, S. (2021). Culturally-relevant and responsive pedagogy in computing: A Quick Scoping Review. International Journal of Computer Science Education in Schools, 5(2), 3-13.
Physical computing: A key element of modern computer science education
This article provides an overview of physical computing and its value in the classroom, using the BBC micro:bit as an example.
Hodges, S., Sentance, S., Finney, J., & Ball, T. (2020). Computer, 53(4), 20–30.
X-ing boundaries with physical computing
Sentance, S., & Childs, K. (2020). In S. Grover, Computer science in K-12: An A to Z handbook on teaching programming (1st ed.), pp.250–258. Edfinity.
Ideas, technology, and skills: A taxonomy for digital projects
This paper seeks to develop the understanding of how young people engage with digital making projects. It proposes a simple taxonomy for thinking about the factors that are required or must be developed in order for young people to successfully complete a digital making project.
Quinlan, O., & Sentance, S. (2020). Proceedings of the 2020 Constructionism Conference, 357–365. Available at:
The role of assessment and reward in non-formal computing settings (Work in progress)
This study is part of a larger study looking at learning outcomes in computing clubs, and has implications for others in non-formal computing settings.
Quinlan, O., Sentance, S., Dickins, J., & Cross, R. (2019). Proceedings of the 14th Workshop in Primary and Secondary Computing Education, 22.
An international comparison of K-12 computer science education intended and enacted curricula
In this paper, we present findings from an international pilot study, comparing curriculum requirements (intended curriculum) captured through country reports, with what teachers identify as enacting in their classroom (the enacted curriculum).
Falkner, K., Sentance, S., Vivian, R., Barksdale, S., Busuttil, L., Cole, E., Liebe, C., Maiorana, F., McGill, M.M., & Quille, K. (2019). Proceedings of the 19th Koli Calling International Conference on Computing Education Research, 4.
To understand pedagogy, practice, resources, and experiences in classrooms around the world, this report presents the process of an international Working Group to develop, pilot, review and test validity and reliability of the MEasuring TeacheR Enacted Computing Curriculum (METRECC) instrument to survey teachers in K-12 schools about their implementation of computer science curricula.
Falkner, K., Sentance, S., Vivian, R., Barksdale, S., Busuttil, L., Cole, E., Liebe, C., Maiorana, F., McGill, M.M., & Quille, K. (2019). Proceedings of the Working Group Reports on Innovation and Technology in Computer Science Education, 111–142.
Moving to mainstream: Developing computing for all
The Department for Education in England awarded an £80 million contract for a 4-year programme of development of teacher training and student resources in computing in 2018. This keynote presentation looks at how this programme can feed into the global computing education research agenda and contribute to our understanding of what computing for all children means in practice.
Sentance, S. (2019). Proceedings of the 14th Workshop in Primary and Secondary Computing Education, 12.
Abstract of keynote and presentation slides
A periodic table of computing education learning theories
The periodic table is a visual arrangement of the elements to group like with like, providing insight into how families of elements will react. This paper asks: could we do the same with learning theories located in the domain of computer science education, and would it be useful?
Szabo, C., Falkner, N., Petersen, A., Bort, H., Connolly, C., Cunningham, K., Donaldson, P., Hellas, A., Robinson, J., & Sheard, J. (2019). Proceedings of the 2019 ACM Conference on Innovation and Technology in Computer Science Education, 269–270.