Tag: research seminar
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Supporting beginner programmers in primary school using TIPP-SEE
Ways to help all learners have successful start in the computing classroom
Combining computing and maths to teach primary learners about variables
A practical example of cross-curricular teaching
Gender Balance in Computing — the big picture
Seven research studies over three years — here is what we've learned
Combining research and practice to evaluate and improve computing education in non-formal settings
What does the research say, and how do we use research to improve our free learning resources?
Spotlight on primary computing education in our 2023 seminar series
Join us to learn how young children develop their computing knowledge and skills
Building a maths curriculum for a world shaped by computing
How can we better prepare students for using AI technologies?
Data ethics for computing education through ballet and biometrics
Are your brainwaves personal data?
Using e-textiles to deliver equitable computing lessons and broaden participation
How to build a computing clubhouse for everyone
Are you technocentric? Shifting from technology to people
On why we should listen to learners and teachers instead of putting tech front and centre
A pair programming approach for engaging girls in the Computing classroom: Study results
Research about collaborative learning for 8- to 11-year-olds
Join us at the launch event of the Raspberry Pi Computing Education Research Centre
Strengthening a collaborative community of researchers, teachers and other education practitioners
A teaspoon of computing in every subject: Broadening participation in computer science
What subjects could you imagine adding a teaspoon of computing to?